energy, ginseng, herb, medicinal, supplement

  • Ginkgo Biloba An Herbal Medicine

    Ginkgo is one of the oldest tree species that are alive and the leaves are one of the most studied leaves in clinical settings today. Ginkgo Biloba is an herbal form of medicine and in Europe and The United States is one of the biggest sellers. Many traditional medicines contain Ginkgo and are used for enhancing memory and to treat circulatory disorders. Scientific studies all support and validate these claims. Newer evidence shows that Ginkgo might very well be effective in treating decreased blood flow to the brain, especially in the elderly. There are two types of chemicals in Ginkgo leaves, flavonoids and terpenoids, which are thought to have very strong antioxidant properties resulting in aiding those who have Alzheimer’s disease.

    While the Ginkgo plant is still in tree form, it produces fruit that is not edible; inside of the fruit are seeds that are poisonous to humans. Most of the studies that are currently being conducted on Ginkgo are being done on the leaves of the Ginkgo (GBE). Although many components of the Ginkgo tree have been studied only two have been directly related to the big success of Ginkgo, as mentioned above. This is why Ginkgo is showing a much more structured relationship with treatment of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Because Ginkgo is so effective in improving blood flow to the brain and because of its antioxidant properties, the evidence that Ginkgo can help these patients is extremely promising.

    It is suggested that Ginkgo truly can improve cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, and memory, improve activities of daily living and social behavior, and lessen the feelings of depression. Further studies are showing that the flavonoids can also help with retinal problems, people with circulatory problems in their legs, memory impairment, and tinnitus. Many doctors are recommending Ginkgo for treatment or discomfort associated with altitude sickness, asthma, depression, disorientation, headaches, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and vertigo.

    Ginkgo may also reduce the side effects of menopause, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. The option of Ginkgo has a lot more appeal these days then the options of prescription medication which has unpleasant side effects. Children under the age of 12 should not use Ginkgo and in adults it usually takes about 4-6 weeks before you will see any significant results. There has been a relationship developing between Ginkgo as an anti aging aid since it is such a powerful antioxidant that wards off the free radials.

    It is very common and becoming even more so for healthy people to include Ginkgo as an herbal supplement on a daily basis for better concentration and enhanced memory. People claim that in general they feel that Ginkgo reduces any mental fatigue that daily life has a tendency to bring forth. Many men are taking Ginkgo to improve impotence as well as increase fertility. The Chinese have used Ginkgo Biloba for many years and have found great success with it so it seems that they might be on to something here because this herbal remedy looks like it going to be around for a very long time.

  • Ginseng – An Anti Inflammatory Anti Oxidant

    Out of all of the herbal supplements on the market today, Ginseng is the most widely used. In earlier times Ginseng went by a different name, “man root.” because the root resembled that of the shape of a man. To this day many people believe in the powers of Ginseng as they believe that it has healing and mystical powers. The Ancient Chinese thought that when a plant resembles a human body part that it would have a healing effect on that part of the body. In other words if a plant resembled a hand it would have the ability to heal the hands. But since Ginseng resembles the entire body it is thought that is can bring balance and well being to the whole body.

    Ginseng contains complex carbohydrates, is an anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, and has anti cancer elements. Notice today that many energy drinks contain Ginseng which is because it is known for creating energy, this was brought to the forefront by the Chinese but Americans have a different plan for Ginseng which is use it for mental lucidity and treating stress. There has been a growing relationship between Ginseng and its ability to strengthen physically as well as mentally and maintain good balance.

    It was the Russians who actually made that discovery however the Asians have discovered that Ginseng helps mental improvement, eliminates anemia, and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and TB. Further they found that it can be very beneficial to the liver and can also reduce the effects significantly of a hangover.

    There has been more recent research on Ginseng than on any other herbal supplement, ever. The concern is that many times when people purchase Ginseng at various stores it may have been over processed and therefore not as effective. The best way is to make sure that you are purchasing authentic Ginseng and in order to do that you may have to purchase the Ginseng root. Oddly enough, with all of the research and studies that have been conducted on Ginseng the FDA has yet to endorse it. It is known that people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, bleeding or clotting disorders, or diabetes should not use Ginseng unless they speak with their physician first.

    While it is true that Ginseng is most widely recognized as a medicinal herb it is also used quite frequently in teas and in cooking. Most people are aware of the infamous Ginseng tea but many are not aware that Ginseng is sliced and put into soups and often boiled and mashed, added to stir fry dishes, and added to boiling water when making rice. It is much more common for cooking in Chinese, Korean, and Asian foods.

    Often Ginseng is used when cooking chicken and mushroom dishes. Many people also use it in desserts for some added zing. It is often used in soups, salads, and even jellies. It seems that most people who enjoy the benefits of Ginseng for cooking are vegetarians but it might be becoming more popular since people are now learning the true benefits of this very popular herb.

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